
Below we enthusiastically present an overview of the complete program of EUCYS2022. We did our best to make the programme both substantive, social and culturally challenging for all the young bright minds, jury members, national organisers and other guests.

Arrivals, check-in & Setting up Stands
10:00 - 16:30
Local Tourist Office, Hotel & Hooglandse Kerk
10:00 - 16:30
Hooglandse Kerk

Welcome Young Bright Minds! We are so happy that you are here! Our EUCYS2022-team will be welcoming you at the local tourist office between 09.00 and 18.00 to guide you.* After dropping your luggage at the hotel, it's time to get your project ready for display at the contest venue. Bring your project and start setting up! For those who finish early there will be a programme of choice available. *Those who arrive after 18.00 o clock can enter the hotel without visiting the local tourist office.

12:00 - 14:30
Hooglandse Kerk

Wandering Through the City Centre
16:30 - 18:00

Leiden is made to wander through. There's no better way to soak up the city's past than by wandering through the historic city centre. The stories come to life all by themselves. From the young Rembrandt who roamed the streets and alleyways as a small boy, to the Pilgrims who settled around the Pieterskerk in the 17th century. The alleyways of Leiden also have great stories to tell. Thieves Alley, Brewster Alley, the names give away their secrets.  Fancy visiting a museum? No other city in the Netherlands has so many extraordinary museums within walking distance from each other, offering a large array of nature, art, and culture. The Leiden area has 13 fantastic museums. We chose 4 for you to visit for free. You can enter these museums during special times by simply showing your badge. Please be aware of the fact that all museums (except for de Hortus Botanicus) close at 17.00. The Hortus closes at 18.00.

Silent Disco City Tour
16:30 - 18:00

Be surprised during a one hour tour through the city centre of Leiden. With the Silent Disco City Tour you will be instructed by the guide with a silent disco set to dance and sing your way through the city. In this swinging way you will learn all ins and outs and see the hotspots of the city. Departure: Church Square Hooglandse Kerk Available upon availability.

Welcome Dinner
18:00 - 21:00
18:00 - 21:00

Our hangout for the evenings. Hosted by the entrepeneurs association of Leiden Bio Science Park (OVBSP). This is where you will be served a simple, filling meal from a buffet between 18.00 and 20.00. Shared with others at big tables in the courtyard and in case of rain inside. We will also serve you some arts, games and culture. Think about a game of ping-pong, boardgames. a classic movienight, pop-up lectures and music.

Breakfast (in two shifts)
07:00 - 08:30

In two shifts. Shift #1: 07.00 - 07.45 Shift #2: 07.45 - 08.30 To be divided by hotel.

Setting up Stands
08:30 - 10:00
08:30 - 10:00
Hooglandse Kerk

An extra time slot for the participants who arrived late in the evening on the 13th or early in the morning on the 14th. Hurry up. You only have until 10 a.m. when the first guests will arrive for the opening ceremony.

Walk-in Opening Ceremony
10:00 - 10:30
Hooglandse Kerk

Opening Ceremony
10:30 - 11:30
Hooglandse Kerk

The official opening of EUCYS2022 (Invitation only) Estimated duration: 1 hour Presented by Eveline van Rijswijk Location: Hooglandse Kerk

Opening Ceremony
10:30 - 11:30
Hooglandse Kerk

The official opening of EUCYS2022 This event is invitation only but you are very welcome to join the event online via this link: Estimated duration: 1 hour Presented by Eveline van Rijswijk Location: Hooglandse Kerk

Contestants at their stands for invitees
11:30 - 12:30
Hooglandse Kerk

12:30 - 13:30

Hooray! Time to relax and have a bite to eat. Visit the Bright Minds Cafeteria and get your vegetarian lunch. Visit the playground, walk around the church and have a chat with a local.

Judging Round 1/5
13:30 - 16:30
Hooglandse Kerk
13:30 - 16:30
Hooglandse Kerk

All bright young minds gather! The contest has started. Contestants display their projects at their exhibition stands, and are interviewed by members of the Jury.

National Organisers Only - Silent Disco City Tour

Be surprised during a one hour tour through the city centre of Leiden. With the Silent Disco City Tour you will be instructed by the guide with a silent disco set to dance and sing your way through the city. In this swinging way you will learn all ins and outs and see the hotspots of the city. Departure: Hooglandse Kerk - Churchsquare

Wandering Through the City Centre + Free Museum visits
16:30 - 18:00

Leiden is made to wander through. There's no better way to soak up the city's past than by wandering through the historic city centre. The stories come to life all by themselves. From the young Rembrandt who roamed the streets and alleyways as a small boy, to the Pilgrims who settled around the Pieterskerk in the 17th century. The alleyways of Leiden also have great stories to tell. Thieves Alley, Brewster Alley, the names give away their secrets.  Fancy visiting a museum? No other city in the Netherlands has so many extraordinary museums within walking distance from each other, offering a large array of nature, art, and culture. The Leiden area has 13 fantastic museums. We chose 4 for you to visit for free. You can enter these museums during special times by simply showing your badge. Please be aware of the fact that all museums (except for de Hortus Botanicus) close at 17.00. The Hortus closes at 18.00.

Silent Disco City Tour
16:30 - 18:00

Be surprised during a one hour tour through the city centre of Leiden. With the Silent Disco City Tour you will be instructed by the guide with a silent disco set to dance and sing your way through the city. In this swinging way you will learn all ins and outs and see the hotspots of the city. Departure: Church Square Hooglandse Kerk Available upon availability.

18:00 - 21:00
18:00 - 21:00

Our hangout for the evenings. This is where you will be served a simple, filling meal from a buffet between 18.00 and 20.00. Shared with others at big tables in the courtyard and in case of rain inside. We will also serve you some arts, games and culture. Think about a game of ping-pong, boardgames. a classic movienight, pop-up lectures and music.

Breakfast (in two shifts)
07:00 - 08:30

Judging Round 2/5
09:00 - 12:30
Hooglandse Kerk
09:00 - 12:30
Hooglandse Kerk

Exhibition open to public/local schools [Fully booked]
09:30 - 16:30
09:30 - 16:30
Hooglandse Kerk

The Contest Area of EUCYS2022 (where the participants present their projects to the jury) is only open to school visitors on 15 and 16 September. They are invited to visit the stands of the participants in the Bright Minds Contest Area and to discuss topics of interest with them during the judging sessions, if they do not interrupt the judging process. The school visitors are also welcomed to join the Bright Minds Playground. In the Bright Minds Playground, you will find various organisations and companies related to science. They take you into the world of science (and sometimes art) in an interactive way. Be sure to pass by the stands when you take a break to investigate the playground and challenge your fellow project members. Other visitors cannot visit the venue. Too many visitors will interrupt the judging process.

National Organisers Meeting
10:20 - 12:00

We have arranged the perfect location for the National Organisers Meeting. To discuss importants matter, change of scenery can only be a good thing.
We settle in the Holy Spirit Orphanage (Dutch: Heilige Geest- of Arme Wees- en Kinderhuis). The Weeshuis is a stone throw away from the Hooglandse Kerk (60 m). The Holy Spirit Orphanage was an orphanage in the city of Leiden in the Netherlands. It is a Rijksmonument located on Hooglandse Kerkgracht 17B. Around the year 1450, the institution purchased a former mansion on the Breestraat, opposite the street currently known as the Papengracht. Initially the building served as an office and warehouse. In 1491 the building was repurposed and became a home for needy and parentless children. This marked the establishment of the ‘Heilige Geest- of Arme Weeshuis’.
Soon, the number of children housed in the orphanage exceeded capacity, forcing the Heilige Geestmeesters to look for a larger building. A new accommodation was found in 1583 in the building of the Vrouwengasthuis (woman’s hospital) on the Hooglandsekerkgracht. The Heilige Geest Orphanage would remain at this location for almost four centuries.
The building complex would undergo three major renovations in this period. The most important of these took place between 1774 and 1778. The merging of the nearby Arme Kinderhuis (Poor Children’s Home) with the Heilige Geest Orphanage necessitated this renovation. The names of the respective institutions were also joined in the unwieldy designation ‘Heilige Geest- of Arme Wees en Kinderhuis’. It was by this name that the orphanage was known well into the twentieth century.
The Heilige Geest Orphanage remained on the Hooglandse kerkgracht until 1961, still carrying out its mission to care for Leiden’s poor and needy children. The institution became a foundation in 1979 now known as ‘Stichting Heilige Geest- of Arme Wees- en Kinderhuis te Leiden’, caring for the poor and destitute youth in a wider sense. In 1968 the building became a Rijksmonument, a Dutch national heritage site.
At the end of the twentieth century, to further promote the study of its history, the foundation commissioned a new inventory of the archives of the Heilige Geest Orphanage, which dates back to the fourteenth century, as well as a study of the building history and the realization of the score of the Music for Christmas 1796 composed by Christian Friedrich Ruppe for the mixed youth choir of the orphanage.
Agenda to be provided by Karen Slavin


Hooray! Time to relax and have a bite to eat. Visit the Bright Minds Cafeteria and get your vegetarian lunch. Visit the playground, walk around the church and have a chat with a local.

Judging round 3/5
13:30 - 16:30
Hooglandse kerk
13:30 - 16:30
Hooglandse Kerk

Silent Disco City Tour
16:30 - 18:00

Site Visits Johnson & Johnson, Avery Dennison & TNO (Optional) Organised site visits leave from the back of the Hooglandse Kerk on 13, 14, 15 September around 16.30. The site visits are all located in the BioSciencePark, close to The Pesthuis, where most evening activities & dinners take place on 13, 14, 15, 16 September. This will enable you to stroll to the Pesthuis yourself. Available upon availability.

Outreach Programme: Site visits to BioSciencePark
16:30 - 18:00

Organised site visits leave from the Hooglandse Kerk on the 15th of September at 16.30. The site visits are all located in the BioSciencePark. You can choose to join a site visit to either Johnson & Johnson or Avery Dennisson. Transportation, using biogas, to these site visits will be available behind the Hooglandse Kerk at 16.30 There will be no return transportation as the companies are both on walking distance of the evening location: the Pesthuis. You can stroll back yourself. Departure: Behind the church Available upon availability. Picture by: Simone Both

Outreach Programme: Site Visits
16:30 - 18:00

Site Visit Johnson & Johnson (Optional) Organised site visits leave from the back of the Hooglandse Kerk on 13, 14, 15 September around 16.30. The site visits are all located in the BioSciencePark, close to The Pesthuis, where most evening activities & dinners take place on 13, 14, 15, 16 September. This will enable you to stroll to the Pesthuis yourself. Departure: behind the church. Available upon number of places.

Wandering Throughout the City Centre + Free Museum visits
16:30 - 18:00

Leiden is made to wander through. There's no better way to soak up the city's past than by wandering through the historic city centre. The stories come to life all by themselves. From the young Rembrandt who roamed the streets and alleyways as a small boy, to the Pilgrims who settled around the Pieterskerk in the 17th century. The alleyways of Leiden also have great stories to tell. Thieves Alley, Brewster Alley, the names give away their secrets.  Fancy visiting a museum? No other city in the Netherlands has so many extraordinary museums within walking distance from each other, offering a large array of nature, art, and culture. The Leiden area has 13 fantastic museums. We chose 4 for you to visit for free. You can enter these museums during special times by simply showing your badge. Please be aware of the fact that all museums (except for de Hortus Botanicus) close at 17.00. The Hortus closes at 18.00.

18:00 - 21:00
18:00 - 21:00

Our hangout for the evenings. This is where you will be served a simple, filling meal from a buffet between 18.00 and 20.00. Shared with others at big tables in the courtyard and in case of rain inside. We will also serve you some arts, games and culture. Think about a game of ping-pong, boardgames. a classic movienight, pop-up lectures and music.

Breakfast (in two shifts)
07:00 - 08:30

Judging Round 4/5
09:00 - 12:30
Hooglandse Kerk
09:00 - 12:30
Hooglandse Kerk

Exhibition open to public/local schools [Fully booked]
09:30 - 16:00
09:30 - 16:00
Hooglandse Kerk

The Contest Area of EUCYS2022 (where the participants present their projects to the jury) is only open to school visitors on 15 and 16 September. They are invited to visit the stands of the participants in the Bright Minds Contest Area and to discuss topics of interest with them during the judging sessions, if they do not interrupt the judging process. The school visitors are also welcomed to join the Bright Minds Playground. In the Bright Minds Playground, you will find various organisations and companies related to science. They take you into the world of science (and sometimes art) in an interactive way. Be sure to pass by the stands when you take a break to investigate the playground and challenge your fellow project members. Other visitors cannot visit the venue. Too many visitors will interrupt the judging process.

12:30 - 13:30

Hooray! Time to relax and have a bite to eat. Visit the Bright Minds Cafeteria and get your vegetarian lunch. Visit the playground, walk around the church and have a chat with a local.

Judging Round 5/5
13:30 - 16:30
Hooglandse Kerk
13:30 - 16:30
Hooglandse Kerk

Dismantling stands / bring projects back to hotel
16:30 - 17:30

Dinner & Movienight
18:00 - 22:00
18:00 - 22:00

Our hangout for the evenings. This is where you will be served a simple, filling meal from a buffet between 18.00 and 20.00. Shared with others at big tables in the courtyard and in case of rain inside. We will also serve you some arts, games and culture. Think about a game of ping-pong, boardgames. a classic movienight, pop-up lectures and music.

Breakfast (in two shifts)
07:00 - 08:30

Canal Boat Tour
09:45 - 10:45

Don't miss the boat! All aboard! Join the canal boat tour. This city looks completely different from the water. You can sign up for the canal boat tour here: Departure: Aalmarkt 4, Leiden (Rondvaart Leiden)

Canal Boat Tour
09:45 - 10:45

Don't miss the boat! All aboard! Join the canal boat tour. This city looks completely different from the water. You can sign up for the canal boat tour here: Departure: Aalmarkt 4, Leiden (Rondvaart Leiden)

Canal Boat Tour

Don't miss the boat! All aboard! Join the canal boat tour. This city looks completely different from the water.

Canal Boat Tour
11:00 - 12:00

Don't miss the boat! All aboard! Join the canal boat tour. This city looks completely different from the water. You can sign up for the canal boat tour here: Departure: Aalmarkt 4, Leiden (Rondvaart Leiden)

Walking Lunch
12:00 - 12:45

Join us for a walking lunch at the venue of the award ceremony.

Awards Ceremony EUCYS2022
13:00 - 14:30
13:00 - 14:30

The award ceremony of EUCYS2022 This event is invitation only but you are very welcome to join the event online via this link: Estimated duration: 1,5 hour Presented by Eveline van Rijswijk & Auke-Florian Hiemstra Location: Stadsgehoorzaal Leiden

14:30 - 15:30

Directly after the Award Ceremony we will toast on the winners and overall participation of EUCYS2022.

Press Conference (for winners only)
17:15 - 18:00

Farewell Dinner
18:00 - 21:00
Hooglandse Kerk
18:00 - 21:00
Hooglandse Kerk

After the reception of the award ceremony, we will head to the Hooglandse Kerk for the farewell dinner. This is where all participants of EUCYS and EU TalentOn together for festive meal only Harry Potter and his friends could dream off. At the same time, the city celebrates the ArtScienceWeek. This is an annual 7-day celebration of science, art and life. A perfect reason to connect science, art and local cuisine. All participants are invited to join this Big Tabel Dinner Show with long, wide theatre tables. These large wooden tables serve as both table and stage. The waiters will spread the special dishes out over the tables, various acts will leave everyone at the table in amazement and the host provides interaction by having everyone over these special tables interact with each other. All this is completed with the right table decorations, catering and lighting. Ofcourse, all catering is no meat.

Farewell Festival: Night of Discoveries
21:15 - 01:00
Leiden Observatory

After dinner we walk in a parade to the farewell party: The night of discoveries. The Night of Discoveries is an annual event in Leiden, focusing on science and culture. Expect an amazing entourage and a more amazing program related to both science and culture. (language no problem). Picture: Marc de Haan

Departure of participants
07:00 - 18:00
Hotels & Leiden central train station

EUCYS2022 has come to an end. This day is the responsibility of the project teams and NO's. Please take note that we will not supply lunch on sunday.

Breakfast (in two shifts)
07:00 - 08:30

Arrival of jury members
08:00 - 17:00

Our EUCYS2022-team will be welcoming you in the local tourist office if you arrive between 10:00 and 18:00.

12:00 - 14:00
Several places
Several places
12:00 - 14:00

To make sure hardworking jury-members get some time away from duties and some time to discover the local culture and cuisine, we developed a menu of 4 restaurants of choice. Each jury member can decide for themselves which restaurant to eat in every day.

Silent Disco City Tour
17:00 - 18:30
17:00 - 18:30

Be surprised during this 1,5 hour tour through the city centre of Leiden. Jury-members & EC only. With the Silent Disco City Tour you will be instructed by the guide with a silent disco set to dance and sing your way through the city. In this swinging way you will learn all ins and outs and see the hotspots of the city. At the end we will drop you off at todays jury dinner location. Departure: Church Square Hooglandse Kerk Available upon availability.

Welcome Dinner
18:30 - 20:30

We have selected some of the favourite restaurants of the leiden2022-team for the jury and the EC. The restaurants are conveniently located on the route or in a nice part of Leiden. This way we hope to give the jury the space in their busy schedule to discover Leiden. The places are also chosen in such a way that it is often possible to eat inside and outside.

07:00 - 09:00
Fletcher Hotel
07:00 - 09:00

Opening Ceremony
Hooglandse Kerk
10:30 - 11:30

Several places
12:30 - 13:30

To make sure hardworking jury-members get some time away from duties and some time to discover the local culture and cuisine, we developed a menu of 4 restaurants of choice. Each jury member can decide for themselves which restaurant to eat in every day.

Judging round
13:30 - 16:30
Hooglandse Kerk
13:30 - 16:30

Buckle up Jury! We have invited 135 young bright minds to blow your brigh jury minds!

Jury Meeting
Hooglandse Kerk
17:00 - 18:00

Leiden University Invites: Jury Welcome Dinner
18:30 - 20:30
Hortus Botanicus Leiden
18:30 - 20:30

To welcome you in the city of Leiden, Leiden University is happy to offer the members of the jury and European Commission a welcome dinner. The dinner will be hosted in one of the oldest botanical gardens in the world. Representatives of Leiden University and Leiden2022 will join you, and University historian Pieter Slaman will briefly speak about the University’s rich history.

07:00 - 09:00
Fletcher Hotel
07:00 - 09:00

Judging round
09:00 - 12:30
Hooglandse Kerk
09:00 - 12:30

Buckle up Jury! We have invited 135 young bright minds to blow your brigh jury minds!

Several places
12:30 - 13:30

To make sure hardworking jury-members get some time away from duties and some time to discover the local culture and cuisine, we developed a menu of 4 restaurants of choice. Each jury member can decide for themselves which restaurant to eat in every day.

Judging round
13:30 - 16:30
Hooglandse Kerk
13:30 - 16:30

Buckle up Jury! We have invited 135 young bright minds to blow your brigh jury minds!

Jury Meeting
Hooglandse Kerk
17:00 - 18:00

18:30 - 20:30
18:30 - 20:30

We have selected some of the favourite restaurants of the leiden2022-team for the jury and the EC. The restaurants are conveniently located on the route or in a nice part of Leiden. This way we hope to give the jury the space in their busy schedule to discover Leiden. The places are also chosen in such a way that it is often possible to eat inside and outside.

07:00 - 09:00
Fletcher Hotel
07:00 - 09:00

Judging round
09:00 - 12:30
Hooglandse Kerk
09:00 - 12:30

Buckle up Jury! We have invited 135 young bright minds to blow your brigh jury minds!

Several places
12:30 - 13:30

To make sure hardworking jury-members get some time away from duties and some time to discover the local culture and cuisine, we developed a menu of 4 restaurants of choice. Each jury member can decide for themselves which restaurant to eat in every day.

Judging round
13:30 - 16:30
Hooglandse Kerk
13:30 - 16:30

Buckle up Jury! We have invited 135 young bright minds to blow your brigh jury minds!

Jury Deliberations
16:30 - 20:00
Weeshuis Leiden

We have arranged a different location for the final deliberations of the Jury. In this stage, after three days of hard work, change of scenery can only be a good thing. We settle in the Holy Spirit Orphanage (Dutch: Heilige Geest- of Arme Wees- en Kinderhuis). The Weeshuis is a stone throw away from the Hooglandse Kerk (60 m). The Holy Spirit Orphanage was an orphanage in the city of Leiden in the Netherlands. It is a Rijksmonument located on Hooglandse Kerkgracht 17B. We will provide you with enough snacks and drinks to get you through this last and important jury session. Good luck!

20:30 - 22:00

We have selected some of the favourite restaurants of the leiden2022-team for the jury and the EC. The restaurants are conveniently located on the route or in a nice part of Leiden. This way we hope to give the jury the space in their busy schedule to discover Leiden. The places are also chosen in such a way that it is often possible to eat inside and outside.

07:00 - 10:00
Fletcher Hotel
07:00 - 10:00

Walking Lunch
12:00 - 12:45

Awards Ceremony EUCYS

13:00 - 14:30
13:00 - 14:30

14:30 - 15:30

Directly after the Award Ceremony we will toast on the winners and overall participation of EUCYS2022.

Canal Boat Tour
15:30 - 16:30

Don't miss the boat! All aboard! Join the canal boat tour. This city looks completely different from the water.

Press conference + Reception with EUTalentOn
17:15 - 18:00

Farewell Dinner
18:00 - 21:00

After the reception of the award ceremony, we will head to the Hooglandse Kerk for the farewell dinner. This is where all participants of EUCYS and EU TalentOn together for festive meal only Harry Potter and his friends could dream off. At the same time, the city celebrates the ArtScienceWeek. This is an annual 7-day celebration of science, art and life. A perfect reason to connect science, art and local cuisine. All participants are invited to join this Big Tabel Dinner Show with long, wide theatre tables. These large wooden tables serve as both table and stage. The waiters will spread the special dishes out over the tables, various acts will leave everyone at the table in amazement and the host provides interaction by having everyone over these special tables interact with each other. All this is completed with the right table decorations, catering and lighting. Ofcourse, all catering is no meat.

Night of discoveries afterparty
21:15 - 01:00

After dinner we walk in a parade to the farewell party: The night of discoveries. The Night of Discoveries is an annual event in Leiden, focusing on science and culture. Expect an amazing entourage and a more amazing program related to both science and culture. (language no problem). Picture: Marc de Haan